Tuesdays - 3:30pm - 7pm (or sunset)
Saturdays - 9am - 1:00pm
$1300 FULL YEAR – one payment, due by Sept. 1st
Split payments: August and January
$680 Fall Season: Registration Online - Due no later than September 1st
$680 Spring Season: Registration Online - Due no later than December 31
Personal boats are NOT required - VYBA will provide a designated boat and equipment for the school year. The Sailors will be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the equipment to the Venice Youth Boating Association standards. Regatta fees are in addition to the tuition. Parents/guardians are responsible for their child at regattas while on land. The coach is responsible for them on the water and will have communication with the parents/guardians while on the water.
Sailors need to arrive each day prepared to sail! We require each sailor to bring:
· REFILLABLE WATER BOTTLE - water fountain available for refills
· Snack (No refrigeration is available on site)
· U.S. Coast Guard Approved Type III Life Jacket (Personal Flotation Device) with whistle attached
· Closed-Toe Shoes to be worn at all times!! (No Crocs or Flip-Flops allowed on land or on water)
· Sunscreen
Call Executive Director Yvonne Watson at 941.468.1719 OR director@veniceyouthboating.org for more information.
1330 Tarpon Center Drive, Venice, FL 34285